Support and Signposting

This page signposts some sources of useful information and support.

The PDA Society takes considerable care to check the services that we signpost, however we’re not responsible for the quality, experience or outcomes from third party organisations.

When accessing services and support, it is likely that you’ll need to share information about the PDA profile of autism and what approaches are helpful with PDA with all the people (including clinicians) you are in contact with – please feel free to print off or send links to any of the information on our website. We’ve also put together some PDA-related suggestions for healthcare passports.

PDA specific support

Education support

Independent diagnostic centres

Other useful sources of information/support

Includes signposted sources of information and support relating to:

  • Mental Health
  • Behaviour that challenges
  • Speech & language therapy
  • Support for Selective Mutism
  • Occupational therapy
  • Social care
  • Carers
  • Siblings/young carers
  • Toileting
  • Encounters with the law
  • Health Services – rights/complaints
  • Benefits
  • Financial assistance
  • Transitions