PDA Society Resource

Found 90 listings

Helen’s story – PDA in families and deciding to home educate

Helen self-identifies with a PDA profile and sees the same traits in other family members including her daughter and her Mum, with mutual understanding across the generations having led to an instinctively collaborative and compassionate approach to both parenting and education. Passionately believing that our education system is not [...]

Surviving A-Levels – Jo’s story

Personal Reflection: Surviving A-Levels by Jo. Jo is a PDA young adult. He studied A-Level Philosophy, Maths and English at a mainstream school and shares his personal experience here, offering valuable insights for both young people and adults. Jo reflects on some of the challenges he faced and the approaches [...]

Information sheet for social care professionals

This 2 page resource gives social care professionals an introduction to key information about PDA, including how PDA may present in children and adults, examples of good practice and helpful approaches plus where to find further information.   Published by: PDA Society, March 2022   Download sheet

Identifying & Assessing a PDA profile – Practice Guidance

Practice guidance collating the professional practice and experience of a multidisciplinary group of professionals working in the NHS and private practice. The goal of this document is to aid assessment of a PDA profile, to distinguish PDA from other presentations of marked demand avoidance, and to signpost appropriate support and [...]

Helpful approaches for special occasions

Special occasions, celebrations and holidays can be overwhelming for autistic people, so we've put together some general suggestions of helpful approaches for PDA families & individuals which can also be shared with wider family & friends to help everyone understand what helps. This one-page information sheet is free to view and [...]

PDA & school avoidance podcast with James

15 year old James shares his thoughts on why school is difficult for young people with a PDA profile. He openly talks about his experience of school and the daily challenges around demands, masking, sensory difficulties, school avoidance, friendships and transitions. He also offers some possible solutions and tips [...]

Information sheet for teaching professionals

This 2 page resource gives education professionals bitesize information about PDA, including how PDA may look in school, good practice and helpful approaches plus where to find further information.   Published by: PDA Society, August 2021 and updated October 2021   Download sheet   A third party German translation of this resource is also available [...]

What is PDA? information sheet

This information sheet contains some essential information about PDA and what helps, in an easily shareable format... it can be downloaded & emailed or printed & shared with others.   Published by: PDA Society, May 2021   Download/print sheet   Also available in this series are our What is PDA? booklet and What is PDA? video. A third party [...]

PDA best practice – the professional voice

PDA best practice - what the professionals would like you to know Professionals from a range of backgrounds explain why they feel it's important to identify PDA and share their tips for best practice. This is one of two resources created for PDA Day 2021 that share best practice about PDA [...]

PDA best practice – the PDA community’s voice

PDA best practice - what the PDA community would like professionals to know This is one of two resources created for PDA Day 2021 that share best practice about PDA for professionals from all sectors – including healthcare, education, social care, the law, therapists, counsellors, advocates and policy makers. This video [...]

Local position statements on PDA

Local authorities, NHS trusts and other bodies are increasingly producing and sharing information about PDA within local areas. This page contains links to such information. Local position statements Some local areas have found it helpful to state their position on the use of terminology around PDA. Examples of formal position statements include: [...]

Introduction to PDA (2021)

An introductory video about PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance). This video is just over 20 minutes long and covers lots of information, including: What is demand avoidance? PDA & Autism Key features of a PDA profile Research & clinical themes Why identify PDA? How PDA can feel What are demands? Demand [...]

What is PDA? video

This short video gives a quick introduction to PDA and was created to help raise awareness of PDA with the general public and convey some essential information about PDA in a quick and easily shareable format. Voiced by PDAers and PDA Society team members. Available to watch and share below or [...]