Views and experiences of teachers working with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender pupils with SEND (peer- review journal article)


Key words:  LGBT+; SEND; PDA; intersectionality 

Author: Klaudia Matasovska 



This paper outlines the opinions and lived experiences of SEN practitioners working with pupils with SEND who identify as LGBT+, including PDA children. Drawing on one-to-one online interviews with SEN practitioners and a review of published literature, the following recommendations are made: 

- LGBT+ concepts need to be more embedded in everyday school culture to make all staff consistent in their views about LGBT+ inclusion for learners with SEND. 

- Staff training for both mainstream and SEN settings is important to prevent the discrimination of LGBT+ SEND learners and diminish misconceptions and stigma. 

- Current RSE (relationships and sex education) guidance would benefit from being updated with specific guidelines on how to teach LGBT+ RSE to SEN learners. 

Overall, the paper suggests a greater need to create an inclusive school culture that may help foster a sense of belonging and acceptance for LGBT+ pupils with SEND. 



Find out more 

  • The Teacher’s Introduction to Pathological Demand Avoidance. By Clare Truman. Jessica Kingsley Publishing.